Depression Treatment Sydney

Depression Treatment Sydney

A Different Approach to Depression Treatment

When sadness becomes all encompassing, drains us of energy and gets in the way of enjoying the important things in life, it has more than likely become depression. If you’re feeling stuck, it might be time to seek treatment. Awareness and calm uses modern therapeutic techniques to create short and long term change. Increasing awareness and starting with small changes can unhinge depression kicking in a wiser more supportive inner voice. Understanding causes and connecting with the deeper purpose is also intrinsic to effective treatment of depression. With a commitment to change, the wisdom gained from this depression treatment  can be applied to other life challenges. I am situated in Cheltenham, the Bayside area of Sydney.

Depression Treatment Sydney

Depression is the sense of being stuck in sadness for a prolonged period of time. There may also be a lack of energy or enthusiasm for the things you once enjoyed, difficulty getting out of bed, feeling exhausted, fogginess in your thinking, having issues with sleep, eating issues, suicidal ideation, a lack of interest in caring for self and others and withdrawing from friends and family. Being caught in the symptoms of depression can bring about a sense of powerlessness and hopelessness for the future. The sad thing is sometimes depression is exacerbated by a sense of shame about having these feelings. Stigma stops people talking about depression. This can hold back recovery.

Depression Treatment – Helpful therapeutic strategies

  • Depression is essentially a battering of the mind on the body. Slowing the process down, increasing the awareness of the effects of thought and emotion on the physical body by creating space between you and the thinking mind is an integral part of therapy. Mindfulness based exercises are helpful.
  • Establishing causes and triggers for episodes of depression can be helpful to gaining greater awareness. Once these have been established appropriate strategies to help with acceptance, making adjustments and establishing a greater sense of meaning and purpose in life and its critical events can be helpful.
  • Understanding relationship processes with family and friends can be helpful to ascertain supports, resources and ongoing challenges is an integral part of the discussion.
  • Creating new opportunities for change and working on motivation for that change can be tricky but becomes a focus once awareness has been heightened. It can be both exciting and daunting stepping out into the world on the way back from depression. Using awareness, a strong sense of meaning and purpose, and establishing the strengths and resources all come together to support this process of recovery.
  • A holistic approach to depression symptoms is encouraged to use natural therapies and exercise.
  • In life threatening situations, anti-depressants may be required. Consultation with the referring doctor is required. I strongly recommend that anti-depressants are taken along with therapy.

Are you looking for depression treatment in Sydney?

Appointments are available on weekdays and Saturday mornings. Medicare and Health fund rebates may apply. For a fee schedule, feel free to contact to phone or email.

by Kelli Bradicich