
Anger and frustration are emotions that can be debilitating. Anger can destroy relationships and close down opportunities. Regardless of its cause, anger is a sign that you may be feeling anxious. Anger is generallya symptom that a person feels they may be losing control of a person or situation. It can arise from a loss. It can arise from fear. There is often a desire for a situation to be other than what it is, or a desire for a person to be doing something other than what they are.When life doesn’t happen in the manner that a person would want it to, it can be incredibly frustrating, bring up anger and in the extreme, rage.

The anger serves to control the behaviour of another, in turn changing circumstances and reducing your own anxiety, resulting in a reduction of anger. The end result however, is a life filled with relationships where friends, family, partners and colleagues might be ‘walking around on egg shells’, appeasing you, avoiding you or making a decision to spend less time with you.Anger erodes connections and can result in a life of loneliness, possible health issues and missed opportunities.

Helpful Therapeutic Opportunities for overcoming Anger

  • Assistance to take a step back from anger, learning how to slow the thoughts down and recognise the motives of the thinking is an important platform to anticipating consequences.
  • Understanding the function of anger within your own life can be helpful in understanding triggers.
  • Encouraging stepping away from blaming others for your emotional reactivity and taking ownership of your responses. The focus is on controlling self rather than others.
  • Noticing patterns of coping within your relationships and ways other people cope with anxiety and express anger can also heighten awareness and understanding
  • Seeking balance in lifestyle can aid in stress management and allow for opportunities to bring in more meaningful life activities. Connecting with a deeper mission in life can bring a sense of peace and fulfilment that might be helpful in replacing anger.
  • Accessing alternative therapies is highly recommended

by Kelli Bradicich