Our Therapy

I am here to help you to gain clarity about the life you most want to live and find the strategies most suited to make it happen.

Psychologists in Sydney– Kelli Bradicich (Counselling psychologist)

Kelli Bradicich is a Psychologist in Sydney: My mission as a counselling psychologist is to assist people to approach life’s gifts and challenges with awareness and calm.I am here to help you to gain clarity about the life you most want to live and find the strategies most suited to make it happen.My practice is philosophy driven. You bring the expertise of your life. It is my job to stay curious, to listen to what is working and find out how you overcome challenges, all the while discovering ways to increase your understanding of self and awareness of the ways you relate to others. I believe strongly in building on what you know and what already works while seeing where new ideas might fit with your thinking.

The approach is practical and can be amplified by accessing the subconscious using hypnosis and creative visualisation.

The focus of our thinking in sessions

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Awareness and Calm: Kelli Bradicich
Awareness and Calm: Kelli BradicichThursday, March 13th, 2025 at 6:11am
The way we behave towards ourselves influences the way other people treat us.

It’s in the energy and the vibe that we give off.

If we put our attention to people being kind, we’ll see more kindness in people. If we put our attention into our value and work to resource ourselves, we will place less attention on the time people are critical or de-valuing.

We may state our position a little more clearer about how we expect to be treated. We may hand back the criticism to the other - eg  I hope your day gets better - rather than taking it on. We may recognise when someone devalues us it says more about them than us. We might walk with more confidence.
Awareness and Calm: Kelli Bradicich
Awareness and Calm: Kelli BradicichWednesday, March 12th, 2025 at 7:02am
Dr Emoto and the words and eater of experiment. How we sprak to ourselves can alter our physical well being not just our mindset.
Awareness and Calm: Kelli Bradicich
Awareness and Calm: Kelli BradicichWednesday, March 12th, 2025 at 6:58am
Peacekeeping and people pleasing.
Awareness and Calm: Kelli Bradicich